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(888) 350-4610 Customer Support

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(888) 350-4610 Customer Support

US Wireless

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Telcel US $40

Talk & Text: Unlimited Talk & Text

Data: 4GB 4G LTE then 2G

Telcel US $40 PLAN

Talk & Text: Unlimited Talk & Text

Data: 4GB 4G LTE then 2G

UNLIMITED** Calls to international landlines (Up to 15 Unique Numbers) UNLIMITED** Calls to mobile numbers in Mexico Canada China and India (Up to 15 Unique Numbers)

Each account is allowed to dial up to 15 unique international telephone numbers during a 30-day plan cycle which resets each time a new plan is redeemed. Unlimited international calls are available to landline and mobile numbers in select destinations only which are subject to change at any time. Calls must originate from the US Puerto Rico or Mexico. Other terms and conditions apply. Please always refer to the latest Terms and Conditions of Service at